effective exercises for weight loss belly and sides

To give the form of beautiful curves and get rid of the fat, it is recommended to perform exercises to lose weight from stomach at home. Although many experts recommend removing the fat on the belly visit the specialized training and use the exact number of calories, excellent results, you can make at home. However, regular oscillation of the press may not provide rapid fat burning and weight loss.


The training problems are not only in the ineffectiveness of the exercise, but also in a bad approach in general. The training must be comprehensive, in order to ensure that the maximum load of all the muscles of the peritoneum. To ensure the weight loss is necessary to adhere to a caloric deficit, to lead an active life and exercise regularly.

The reasons of formation of excess weight in the abdominal region

Before you begin to fight the fat in the abdominal area, you need to understand why it is reported here. In addition to the external fact of being unsightly, belly full, the deposit in this area can lead to serious diseases.

The main causes of deposits applies:

  1. A genetic predisposition. A common cause of the education of the fat on the belly. It is for this reason the fight more difficult, because if the parents the body was apple shaped, there is a high probability of the same shape. In this case, the deposits will be in the first place to accumulate in the region of the stomach. The only solution is to get rid of the excess fat in the body.
  2. The metabolic disorder. With age, the metabolism slows down, therefore, increases the probability of the formation of fatty deposits.
  3. A sedentary way of life. The modern pace of life does not allow you to spend a lot of time on their feet. Work in an office leads to the long to be in the same position, so spent less calories it is consumed, and this led to the formation of fat.
  4. Overeating. It is important to not only feed it properly but to consume the right amount of calories, which is calculated on the basis of the physical activity and body weight. To eliminate fat deposits, you need to create a calorie deficit.
  5. The stress. Nervous tension affects the state of the body in general, but is mainly due to the increase in the level of cortisol. The Increase in the levels of this hormone leads to the sediment in the area of the waist.
  6. The change of hormonal levels. Any change in the levels of hormones result in the malfunctioning of the entire body. After 40 years, the level of hormones decreases, resulting in an increase of the mass of the body, especially in the area of the waist. In this case, you will need to or more to move, or reduce the number of calories in the diet.

Polarized torsion

The excess weight on the sides and the belly, cannot escape completely with the help of miracle pills or drops. Requires constant work on oneself, which includes a good diet and exercise to burn the fat.

Rules of execution of the exercise

To quickly eliminate fat from the area of the sides and of the abdomen, at exercises must follow certain rules:

  1. Complex training. To get rid of the fat, it is not enough to download press dlish fine. You want to combine cardiopatia and special training for the corset muscle, with the load on the hips, the belly and the back.
  2. Maximum of a varied program. It is recommended to divide the training on the intense cardio (15-20 minutes) and the execution of exercises to burn fat (15-20 minutes). The exercises should capture all of the muscles.
  3. Long-term exercise. It is difficult to get a visible effect, if you do less than 30 minutes. After only 20 minutes of intense exercise begins the fat burning process, so a bit of lesson that can only lead to strengthen the muscles of the waist, but not to the combustion of body fat.
  4. Of regular sessions. The effectiveness of the training depends on their regularity. The optimum mode of practice per day. To accelerate the combustion of fat it is necessary to do the exercise each day. The minimum frequency of the course is twice a week. For more fast to lose weight it is necessary to make more emphasis on the cardio.
  5. A good nutrition. Fast the burning of body fat, you need to be careful and food. Eat, it is recommended in the context of a deficit of calories. If it is not limited to nutrition, losing weight is impossible, even daily, and training. Therefore, for a correct power supply, you need to calculate the right amount of calories on the table, according to its weight and physical activity.
  6. By using dumbbells. To improve the effectiveness of the exercise, you can use dumbbells. In case of absence, you can apply plastic bottles with water or sand.

If you follow these recommendations, you can get rid of the fat in the area of the abdomen and flanks in just a few weeks, giving to the press, hardness of the terrain.

The slopes on the sides

Complex of effective exercises

The execution of the exercise is an essential element of a weight reduction program, and helps to get rid of the excess weight in the area of the abdomen and flanks. To obtain meaningful results, it is suitable to combine exercise with a good diet. Consider the most effective for all of the exercises to burn fat in the abdominal region.

The empty

The basis of this exercise is proper breathing. Starting Position on all fours, hands are on the elbows. You need to take a deep breath and relax the abdominal muscles. After which exhale marc, pull in the belly itself. Stay in this position, it is recommended that a minimum of 30 seconds.

The slopes on the sides

Complex helps strengthen the muscles on the sides. Stand straight, legs apart, the hands rise above the head. Perform the tilt of the torso to the side, to feel the tension in the muscles of the other side. In such a situation, you need to stay 15 to 20 seconds, after which make the slope of the other side.

Raise the legs sitting

The rise of the hull in the sidebar

You need to sit on a chair, keeping your back straight. The hands should be put under the feet so that they were palms down. Breathe deeply and exhale. Need to raise the knees and press it close to the chest. In this position, you must stay on for 8 to 10 seconds.

Belt of twists and turns

This exercise is very useful not only for the press, but for the back, hips and legs. He should take the position of the belt, and socks, and to elbows touch the ground. The body must be very smooth. In such a situation, you need to take about 30 seconds, then do a u-turn in the lateral position of the belt. Need to keep a body on the forearm with one hand and socks. In this position also need to take a half-minute. Make the rotation of the one and of the other hand.

Circular rotation

This exercise will give a good load on the press. You need to lie on the floor, knees bent, and lowering the feet. Lift the upper part of the housing and spins trying to write a full circle. It is extremely important for the legs and thighs have remained in the same position, do not turn it on the side. The circular rotation must complete a minimum of 5 times on each side. All the movements need to do it slowly, and breathe in a quiet rhythm.


The most popular of the exercise to fine-tune the size. It is not only a great result, but the ease of execution. He should lie down on your back, bend your legs and feet to put it exactly on the ground. Of the hand it is necessary to put it under the head, the bend in the castle. Take a deep breath, slowly lifting the upper part of the trunk. The one nearest the top will be the waistline, the more complete the set. On the exhalation, return to its initial position.

The rise of the basin

Raise the legs sitting

An excellent complex for the formation of the middle and lower part of the peritoneum. Starting Position lying on the back. The legs need to be stretched toward the top and slightly bent. Your arms should be stretched along the body. Slowly, it is necessary to raise the pelvis as high as possible, for a few seconds. The movements must be executed through the muscles of the abdomen and the legs and the pelvis should not be moved to the side.

Polarized torsion

You must lie down on the mat, put his hands under the head, the legs and bend in order that the feet not touching the ground. Lift the upper part of the torso, rotating the left shoulder to the right. The right side must be off. After which pass the whole of the other side.


Dynamic and intense, and complex that initiates the fat burning process in the body. You need to take the palm to the ground, arms stretched out and the socks. The knee of the same leg need to tighten the chest. Bring back the foot to its original position, and the movement for the other leg. At the primary level, you can perform a complex on the elbows, gradually increasing the load.


Classic set to strengthen the muscles of the waist. You must lie down on the floor, put the hands behind the head and under the feet to lift, bending at the knees. Right knee, it was necessary to tighten the chest, straighten the leg and pull it toward the top of the chest left knee. The feet are constantly changing. The rhythm of the movements is not as important as depth of the tension in the muscles. The belly must stiffen in order to create a sense of twisting of the wheels of the bike.

The rise of the hull in the sidebar

The rocking of socks

Optimal motion for the oblique muscle. It can make even people with a minimum of physical education. It provides a high load and efficiency. However, it is not recommended to perform with severe pain or diseases of the kidneys. It is necessary to take the emphasis on feet and hands, and straighten the whole body. To slow down the slopes of the basin floor. It is important to avoid flexion of the back. The movements should be smooth and fluid. When you run the complex, you have to breathe quietly.

Rolling with the feet

Lie on back, legs straight up and crossed. Lift the upper part of the body to its maximum towards the top, and the hands hang to the feet. During the execution of movement, you should pay special attention to the breathing. When you exhale, you have to lift the body and the inspiration – to return to the starting position.

The rocking of socks

This complex effectively helps to strengthen the muscles and to the reduction of the stomach. You need to lie on the floor, put hands under the head. The legs should be slightly elevated, the socks are stretched. Off the ground the shoulders and stretch toward the front. A leg should be omitted on the ground for mark to touch the walker texas ranger-michel. The leg back to the starting position. Repeat the movement of the second leg. It is extremely important for a spin in a hurry to the ground. For beginners, you can simplify the complex. To do this, perform a movement of need, without raising the shoulders.

The rise of the legs lying on the

A simple movement to perform at home. Lie on the back, the arms put along the hull. Gradually raise one leg to a height of 50 to 60 degrees. In this position, it is necessary to delay the walk for a few seconds. Slowly, and with the expiry of the leg goes down. You must complete a series of 10 to 15 times for each leg. Lift the leg and at the same time. To complicate the movement when lowering the feet should not touch the ground.


Twist with attack

The feet must stay on the floor, legs and knees bent. The hands are put under the head. Of the queue and to pull on one leg, trying to put the hand to the chest. During the execution of this movement, you must move not only the legs and the back. Exhale need during bending, and breathing in when returning to the initial position. It is important for all movements to be done at a slow pace and the breathing quiet. Perform 5 to 10 movements for each leg. To complicate the complex, you will need to place one of the legs to lift two.

All the exercises are simple enough for beginners and very effective for the reduction of weight on the tummy and weight loss as a whole. If 2-3 times per week to spend at least 30 minutes to the execution of the complex, you can get a thin waist.

Aerobic exercise

In performing the services, the fine size, you can make a strong media, to get rid of saggy belly and put the order in the internal organs. However, if one observes the over-fishing and excess weight, the use of this complex may be a little quick weight loss. The muscles are swinging, but the fat on the belly will remain. Therefore, the diet should contain fewer calories.

In this case recommended of intense aerobic exercise, which stimulate the combustion of the oxygen, and helps to accelerate the process of burning calories and losing weight. For quick weight loss, you must practice the sport of walking, dancing, jogging, swimming, active sports. The combination of a sports complex, an active lifestyle and proper nutrition will help to acquire a beautiful and trim to size. To speed up the slimming of the time and the frequency of training sessions should increase and guarantee a deficit of calories in the diet.